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Friday, May 8, 2009

Quote cards

Animations by Charity & Co.

We can talk about faith, but what
we live shows the true faith behind the words.
Read Joshua 24:15

When we wholeheartedly commit
ourselves to God, there is
nothing mediocre or run-of -the -mill
about us. To live for Christ is to be passionate
about our Lord and about our lives.......... AMEN!!!!
Read Romans 1:17

If a man cannot be a Christian in the place where
he is, he cannot be a Christian anywhere.
Read Psalms 143:10

Keep your tools ready - God will find work for you.
Read Acts 13:2

I do not merely want to posses a faith,
I want a faith that possess me.........(Charles Kingsley)
Read Romans 1:17

You can preach a better sermon with your life than
with your words.
Read Joshua 24:15

When you talk, choose the very same words that you
would use if Jesus were looking over you shoulder,
because He is.
Ephesians 4:29

Time wasted is a theft from God.
Read Psalms 39:4,5

Whom God calls, He qualifies:
whom He qualifies, He sends.
Read Isaiah 6:8

Simply beautiful