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Friday, March 6, 2009

Quote cards for today

Animations by Charity & Co.

The Bible is everlasting truths, It will
NEVER be re-written.
Read Psalm 119:89

Jesus conceals His surprises until we follow His leading.
Read Galatians 6:9

You have available to you the
power that is necessary to solve the real problems of
your life. He is Jesus Christ.
Read Mark 13;26

It won't be long before you will look back on that
up-tight, high powered, super-charged issue with a
whole new outlook. You may laugh at something
that was eating your heart out over today.
Read Job 11:16-17

There is only one YOU. Everything about you
is found in only one individual since man first
began - YOU.
Read Psalm 139:13

Good health is to be valued.
Read 3 John 2

We were given to one another by the Lord. -A piece of the divine
puzzle no one else on earth can supply.
Read Romans 12:4-5

Thoughts, positive or negative, grow stronger when
fertilized with constant repetition.
Read 2 Corinthians 10:5

Easter is God's annual question. All across the world on Easter Sunday morning Christ will lean
forward and shout, "Do you know where you are going?"
Read Proverbs 14:12

Peace is the ability to stay calm in spite of the
panic of unpleasant circumstances.
Read Psalm 57:1

Christ doesn't offer a technique on rebuilding
your life. He offers you His life - His
honesty - His integrity.
Read Colossians 1:27

There is a deep bond that binds
Christians to each other. It is
glue of love, willingness to
support and aid one another
without strings attached.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:8

To stumble is normal, a fact of life,
an act that guarantees our humanness.
Brush off the dirt with the promise of God's forgiveness and move on.
Read James 3:2

The depth of a church is determined by it's
quality of worship and instruction.
The breadth of a church is determined by it's
commitment to fellowship and evangelism.
Read Acts 2:46