A soul cannot live without loving. It
must have something to love,
for it was created to love.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:13
Hold everything earthly with a loofe
and, but grasp eternal things with a
deathlike grip.
Read Mark 8:36,37
Each one, according to his own ability, should
be a pattern of goodness to others.
Read Matthew 12:35
Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.
Read 1 Corinthians 13:13
How can we withhold from another what
God has so generously allowed us to use and enjoy?
Read Matthew 10:8
Teaching is a divine calling.
Whether we teach at home,
at church, or in a school classroom,
transfer of knowledge is a
significant undertaking.
Read 2 timothy 2:24
A small light will do a great deal when
it is in a very dark place.
Read Hebrews 3:13
A small light will do a great deal when it
is in a very dark place.
Read Hebrews 3:13