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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Quote cards for today

Animation by Charity & Co.

Do not open your heart to every man, but
discuss your affairs with one who is wise and
who fears God.
Read Proverbs 1:5

No life ever grows great until it is focused,
dedicated and disciplined.
Read proverbs 6:6-9

If the glories of heaven were more real to us,
if we lived less for material things and more
for things eternal and spiritual, we
would be less easily disturued in this present life.
Read Proverbs 11:28

There is a silent dignity and primeval
necessity in work.
Read Proverbs 6:6-9

The next best thing to being wise oneself is to live
in a circle of those who are.
Read Proverbs 1;5

It ought to be the business of every day to prepare for
our last day.
Read Philippians 1:21

All those who look to draw their
satisfaction from the
wells of the world will soon be thirsty again.
Read Proverbs 11:28

Theirs is an endless road, a hopeless maze,
who seek for goods before they seek for God.
Read Proverbs 14:30

If the glories of heaven were more real to us, if we
lived less for material things and more for things
eternal and spiritual, we would be less easily disturbed in this
present life.
Read Proverbs 11:28

There are two things we are called to do:
we are to depend on His strength and be
obedient to His Word. If we can't handle
being dependent and obedient, we
will never become the kind of people who have
a heart for God.
Read 105:4,5